The Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) works on three levels to advance adaptation to climate change:
To leverage this, The BRC collaborates with partners from other NGOs, CSOs, academic field, educational institutions, media, and in the private sector to raise awareness on climate change and to
support adaption efforts.
COMMITMENT 1: Step up our response to growing humanitarian needs and help people adapt to the impacts of the climate and environmental crises
A. Strategy 2030 of the BRC outlines climate change impact on the life, health, well-being and livelihoods of people as well as on the economy of the country, and as a risk multiplier for climate-related disasters which calls for greater attention to vulnerabilities and exposure to risks of local communities.
B. The BRC Strategic Plan 2020 – 2030 defines climate change as primary objective and calls for institutional preparedness measures at organizational level, and for building communities resilience via DRR, mitigation and adaptation efforts, and raising awareness about climate implications.
C. The BRC will further operationalize climate considerations into humanitarian programming in its reviewed DM policy to be adopted by the end of 2021.
COMMITMENT 2: Maximize the environmental sustainability of our work and rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
a. A committed and engaged leadership to roll out climate change commitment.
b. Integrating environmental goals as outlined in the NS Strategy 2030 into annual planning and reporting process.
c. Investing in trainings of staff and volunteers to drive forward implementation.
d. Investing in predictable funding to mainstream climate considerations into humanitarian programming.
e. Setting criteria for climate responsive trade (environmental impact) when organizing tenders and / or procuring items, and when signing contracts for the supply (compliance requirements).
COMMITMENT 3: Embrace the leadership of local actors and communities
a. Communication from leadership to support perceptions of the importance of greening practices, and acknowledge input and opinions from local branches.
b. Establishing a ground of common understanding on definitions in order to translate strategic decisions into practical actions.
c. Establishment of clear internal regulations to help branches mainstream climate perspective into their planning and implementation of humanitarian programmes.
d. Boosting motivation at local level by creating an internal fund for small-scale projects dedicated to climate responsive behavior, including understanding underlying vulnerabilities.
e. Develop environmentally sustainable approaches to addressing local communities needs and strengthening their capacities to respond.
COMMITMENT 4: Increase our capacity to understand climate and environmental risks and develop evidence-based solutions
a. Identifying environmental degradation practices caused by the activities of the NS.
b. Supporting organizational process to report and upscale own climate and environmental impact, e.g. institutional preparedness measures.
c. Enhancing seeking of nature-based solutions.
d. Replacing existing practices to turn them into climate-smart alternatives.
e. Setting a baseline, monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of the greening process.
f. Increased digitalization and decrease in travel, departure from old practices and call for adjustment to sustain incremental improvement.
g. Attaching Green Office concept to existing procedures, e.g. procurement practices and criteria; travel policies, transport organization, waste management, water and paper consumption, humanitarian supply chain.
COMMITMENT 5: Work collaboratively across the humanitarian sector and beyond to strengthen climate and environmental action
a. Sustain established partnerships and expand to new potential partners within Bulgaria, and beyond.
b. Liaise with like-minded organizations based in Bulgaria, also engaged with climate thematic, e.g. WWF, the office of WHO, the representation of the European Commission and etc.
c. Engage in a climate dialogue with Movement partners, including sharing experiences and resources, e.g. Climate Center, Green Response Working Group, the IFRC Climate Action Task
Force and etc
COMMITMENT 6: Use our influence to mobilize urgent and more ambitious climate action and environmental protection
a. Continue participation in WG under the Ministry of Environment and Water.
b. Maintain exchange with Ministry of Foreign Affairs for commitments under the SDGs, and Paris Agreement, as well as for national positions in high-level summit events, e.g. COP.
c. Maintain exchange with the Ministry of Interior on Sendai framework, and DRR and CCA mainstreaming into disaster management cycle.
d. Maintain exchange with the Ministry of Health, and National Center on Public Health.