Commitment: Reducing the ecological footprint in HQ and on the Field
HI is committed to declining the principle of “not harming” the environment by making a commitment to reduce its ecological footprint. To achieve this, HI adopts a global approach with good practice objectives applying to all its sites, with particular attention to its intervention areas. Their implementation is ensured according to the capacities
and context of each site, according to differentiated action plans.
6 levers of implementation:
In a gradual approach, HI chooses to focus action plans on levers that have an impact consistent with the efficiency objectives of its multi year strategy and the requirements
of its funders.
They are broken down into 4 logistical levers and 2 transversal levers:
- Transport and mobility: HI wants to reduce its CO2 emissions due to travel, by; optimizing the management of its fleets of vehicles on the grounds (use 4×4 only when necessary), encouraging the use of “soft modes” and carpooling practices at the HQ and on terrain, by questioning the relevance of the movements of its staff, by mutualizing travel objectives and by developing alternative solutions to travel.
- Purchases and supplies: Pool resources and consolidate supplies by improving our supply planning. In order to reduce regional or international freight rates, HI wishes to: promote responsible purchasing and favor local suppliers where possible, pool and consolidate supplies by improving our planning.
- Waste management: HI wants to improve its waste management (selective sorting) at headquarters,
such as on terrain, awareness of employees, etc.).
- Energy and natural resources management: HI wants to better control its energy consumption, especially its consumption of water, fuel and electricity. HI will investigate the solutions offered by low impact technologies and renewable / green energies. HI must also question its paper consumption.
- Awareness and commitment of HI employees:
HI asks all its employees to adopt individual and collective behaviors thatnrespect the environment.
Recognizes the positive role and encourages voluntary initiatives of its employees grouped into “green teams”.
- Programmatic approach: Through its operations and advocacy, HI is already implementing Disaster Risk Management projects. More generally, HI also aims to integrate ecoresponsible professional practices into its quality approach (all themes combined). HI also wants to investigate the innovations that allow its actions
on the ground to have less impact on the environment.