In March 2022 the Swiss Red Cross Headquarter adopted a new “Sustainability Policy”, together with a corresponding “Action Plan 2022-2026”. The following SRC targets to implement the Charter are also aligned with the above mentioned internal action plan.
Commitment 1: Step up our response to growing humanitarian needs and help people adapt to the impacts of the climate and environmental crises
a) By 2025, climate and environmental risks will be factored in all our programs and humanitarian operations in international cooperation. Domestic programs in Switzerland will follow later (c.f. Commitment 4).
Commitment 2: Maximize the environmental sustainability of our work and rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
b) Our organization will be climate neutral by 2040.
c) We will radically reduce single-use plastics from our programs and headquarter by 2024.
d) We will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels.
e) We will reduce our air travel-related emissions by 50% by 2025, compared to 2019 levels.
Commitment 4: Increase our capacity to understand climate and environmental risks and develop evidence-based solutions
f) Internal awareness raising regarding climate-sensitivity in all activities, especially in domestic programs and projects, headquarters and member organizations.
Commitment 6: Use our influence to mobilize urgent and more ambitious climate action and environmental protection
g) We will engage with our partners – governments, parliamentarians, donors, corporates, volunteers – to persuade them to take ambitious climate action, including increasing financial support for locally led adaptation measures.