Past Event

Resources and Tools for Humanitarian Organizations to Advance Climate and Environmental Action

Monday, September 9, 2024: 12:00-13:30 UTC / 14:00-15:30 CEST / 8:00-9:30 EST

Across the humanitarian sector, organizations are developing resources and expertise to improve our capacity to take climate and environmental action. These resources include tools, guides, training opportunities, working groups, communities of practices, technical experts, among other forms of support.  In 2022, DG ECHO funded a mapping of sources and forms of assistance available to help signatories of the Climate and Environment Charter turn their commitments into action.

This mapping exercise identified the “need to bridge the gap between the resources available and the lack of general and technical knowledge about climate and environmental issues to ensure organisations can access these resources.” The Charter Secretariat was formed to address this need, with a central aim to increase Signatories’ access to expertise through knowledge sharing and technical guidance and build capacity within the sector towards the Charter commitments.

Due to the further development of resources within the humanitarian sector, Groupe URD has updated this resource base, with further support from DG ECHO, which will service as a resource that the Secretariat will use and update in its functions as a referral hub to Signatories.

Webinar Objective:

This webinar will provide Charter Signatories with an overview of existing expertise and support available to humanitarian organizations working on climate and environmental action. The webinar will introduce Signatories to one of the central tools available to the sector, the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+), presenting the tool itself and sharing lessons learned in implementation from two Charter Signatories.  Lastly, the Charter Secretariat will further share  how it plans to utilize the expertise mapping, as well as improve the accessibility and reduce fragmentation of these resources and tools.

